post pregnancy weight loss tips dr sandhya shah

Lose Weight Effectively after Pregnancy With Diet and Reclaim your body

It is common for a woman to gain 9-12 kg during pregnancy. She needs to lose the excess weight to maintain her mental and physical health. The woman can develop diabetes or high blood pressure later in life if she remains overweight.

She loses 3-5 kg immediately after delivery. She should take advice from a Gynecologist in Mumbai on how to reduce the rest of her weight after she has recovered physically post-delivery. Post-delivery recovery typically takes six weeks. Diet and exercise will help you lose weight over the next several months. Breastfeeding can also aid in weight loss.
In addition to the excess weight, she may get polycystic ovarian disease, which will lead to hormonal imbalances and difficulty conceiving in the future. Overweight women are also more likely to develop fibroids.

According to research published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & GynecologyTrusted Source, pregnancy weight gain consists of:

  • the baby
  • placenta
  • amniotic fluid
  • breast tissue
  • blood
  • uterus enlargement
  • extra fat stores

Tips to help lose baby weight

Drink plenty of water

Your body benefits from staying hydrated in several ways. Staying hydrated boosts your metabolism, for instance. Being hydrated also controls your appetite by making you feel full. Keep an eye on the transparency of your urine to get an idea of your water intake based on your BMI. Drink more water if your urine isn’t clear, and if it is clear, you are drinking enough water.

Exercise and workout

For post pregnancy weight loss, you can follow a post pregnancy weight loss diet plan. Usually, following a post pregnancy weight loss diet isn’t enough to help you lose weight. As part of your post pregnancy weight loss plan, you must include an exercise routine if you want to see rapid weight loss after pregnancy. You can burn calories and strengthen your bones and muscles by including weight training or aerobic exercise. Exercise is important for new mothers not just for postpartum weight loss, but it has numerous other benefits as well. With a new baby in the house, it can help relieve stress, perk up their mood, and improve their sleep.

Take proper sleep

If you have a toddler who demands your attention 24/7, this may seem like a difficult task, but lack of sleep can really affect your postnatal weight loss efforts. You tend to make unhealthy lifestyle choices like binge eating and drinking when you’re sleep-deprived, which makes it difficult to lose weight. Getting insufficient sleep during the night will cause your body to release cortisol, which will aggravate your hunger pangs throughout the day.

Always keep healthy snacks nearby

A breastfeeding mother’s appetite spikes and sudden hunger can occur. This could lead to weight gain if not handled properly. Rather, if you stock up on fruits, sprouts, vegetables, nuts, and yoghurt to eat whenever you are hungry, you will reduce the time it takes to lose the baby weight, in your case.

Eat right to Lose Weight

  • AVOID skipping meals. New moms often forget to eat when they have a new baby. You will have less energy if you do not eat, and if you do not eat, you will not lose weight.
  • Rather than eating 3 large meals a day, eat 5 to 6 small meals with healthy snacks in between.
  • Breakfast is important. It is a good habit to eat breakfast even if you don’t normally do so. Your day will start with energy and you won’t feel tired later.
  • Let’s slow down. You will be able to tell when you are full if you take your time eating. While it is tempting to multitask, you will be less likely to overeat if you focus on your meal.
  • Try including foods with fiber and protein as snacks (such as raw bell peppers or carrots with bean dip, apple slices with peanut butter, or whole-wheat toast with hard-boiled egg). Make sure you drink 12 cups of fluid a day.
  • By keeping a water bottle near the spot where your baby usually eats, you’ll remember to drink when they do.
  • Drinks with added sugar and calories, such as sodas, juices, and other fluids, should be limited. They add up and prevent weight loss. Do not consume artificially sweetened products.
  • Whole fruit is better than fruit juice. Juices from fruits should be consumed in moderation since they can add extra calories. You’ll get more vitamins and nutrients from whole fruit, as well as fiber, which helps you feel full.
  • Choose broiled or baked rather than fried foods.
  • Limit sweets, sugar, saturated fat and trans fats.

Breast-feeding’s benefits

You can also lose weight after giving birth by breast-feeding. In order to fuel your milk production and feed your baby, you use the fat cells stored in your body during pregnancy, along with calories from your diet.

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